
What this book, Architectural Laid Bare!, is about. (7:37)

Shades of Green
A few facts and fictions regarding the nature of “Green Architecture”. (6:56)

Maximum Comfort in Minimum Volume
How to design a building's interior spaces so they will be comfortable and economical at the same time. (7:38)

Making spaces more useful at less expense with such efficient furniture as shoulder-high walls, bureaubeds, and long counters. (8:30)

Ornament the Wright Way
How to evolve simple, attractive, inexpensive ornament from the functional parts of a building as did Frank Lloyd Wright. (7:48)

The Grandeur of Garbage, Part 1
How to reuse old building materials in new construction in ways that will be beautiful. (9:52)

The Grandeur of Garbage, Part 2
A continuation of the previous lecture. (10:23)

Wood in Architecture
The most important things to know about wood when using it in buildings. (8:32)

Using Renewable Energies in Architecture
The logistics of obtaining energy from the heat of the sun, the force of the wind, and the weight of falling water. (7:28)

The Pick of the Glitter
Incandescent, compact fluorescent, and LED light bulbs: which should you use and when? (9:32)

No More Bright Lights, Big Cities!
Why many urban businesses should turn off their lights at night. (5:05)

No-touch or Toe-Touch Controls
Why many no-touch controls for plumbing fixtures waste more energy than they save. (6:15)

Thicken Those Outer Walls!
How to reduce the energy a building uses by as much as 70 percent with thicker building envelopes. (8:53)